Friday, September 16, 2011

Review on Huggies Slip on Diapers!

Huggies just came out with their slip on diapers and they have been on sale a lot lately!  I was super skeptical of them when I first saw a commercial.  To be honest I was thinking "How in the world are you going to slip them off after they poop"  I know it's gross but you know you were wondering the same thing... However I have been using them for a few days now and I LOVE them.  Here is my list of pro's and cons for the Huggies Slip on Diapers...
- Slip on really easy
- Have tabs so when you take them off you don't have to slip them down.  You can take them off like a regular diapers.
- Makes it easy to change a squirmy toddler.
- If you wanted to use it like a regular diaper you can.

- It works best if your child is only wearing a diaper and a Onsie or shirt.  When your child has a whole outfit on these tend to be a little bit of a pain.
- I don't foresee these working for kids that don't walk or can't stand up well.  Slipping them on while laying down is not as easy as when they are standing up.
- You don't get as may in a package.
- If you have found Huggies don't fit your child, these will be no different.  They have the same kind of fit as regular Huggies!

Overall I would buy these again, especially because there has been a lot of great sales on them lately where you can get them at dirt cheap prices.

Click here to go over to Amazon and see what other moms said about Huggies Slip on Diapers!

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